It’s been a while. WordPress somehow broke itself such that I can’t access it on my laptop, but can still access it anywhere else. I really need to learn web design stuff so I can replace WordPress. Soon.
Anyways, I should probably update you on what’s going on. First, goats. Mainly because they’re shouting in the backyard as I type this out.
Second, I’ve made more changes to Neutron (and created a sister project codenamed Cellia). I’ll save those for a later date (as in, when I get wiki edit access and forum posting access on the RetroBrew Computers website).
Third, I still suck at Calculus and would like to skip to Linear Algebra cause I can understand it better (thanks to 3blue1brown for existing and making math youtube videos).
Fourth, I want to try and Ludum Dare.
Fifth, Bananas.
aight, bye.